Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Stupid Drivers

Okay, I had to write about this one after talking with my fellow actors before class last week. I think this is something we can all relate to, actors or not.


I am on the road constantly as an actress and mother and the amount of stupid drivers is just amazing to me.

Let's just start by driving down my street. Now, if you drive a motorcycle, wouldn't you be more concious of your surroundings so as not to get into an accident? Then why would you not put your directional on to let me know your are going to stop and worst of all, make a U turn right in front of me as I come a 1/4 inch from making you meet your maker? Then we have the people who back out of their driveways and don't look to see if there's anyone else coming...I mean do they think they're the only one's who live on my street? Now, here's the best one (and I haven't even gotten off my street yet). I get to the end of the my culdesac, wanting to turn left onto the main road and there's a van in front of me wanting to do the same thing (or so I thought). All of a sudden, she starts to back up. I think okay, maybe she just pulled to far out in the road and she needs to back up a little..OOOOOOHHHH NOOOOOO, she keeps a comin'. I lay on my horn (something I don't like to do because what good does it do anyway?) and she finally stops about a 1/2 an inch from hitting me. She said she didn't look! Okay now, why wouldn't you look? Once again, are you the only person who lives on my street? OMG!

Finally I'm on the road on the way to the freeway headed to LA obeying all traffic laws (most of the time, hard to do with my car) and these people wait until you're right up on them and pull out in front of you and go 2 miles per hour causing you to swerve and slam on your brakes so you don't hit them! Really??? Why don't people put on their turn signal when they want to turn left..can't they see your waiting for them to go straight before you pull out? And why do people stop at green lights? Are they color blind? And what about when the sign says, "NO TURN ON RED LIGHT", why the heck do they lay on their horns and get soooo mad at me for obeying the darn traffic sign? Can't they read? Which brings me to my next subject.

We all know how they drive in other countries, making left hand turns from right hand lanes, driving 500 miles an hour on the Autoban not to mention cutting across 5 lanes of traffic just to make the exit (okay, so they do that here too). And forget about the traffic lights, stops signs and other drivers. And pedestrians BEWARE, you're taking your life in your hands if you think you come first. They will even drive on the wrong side of the road just to make the traffic light.

Well, we have laws here in the U.S. (not that anyone follows them..lol) like myself. I got a ticket last month for turning left out of no turn left parking lot..well there was no one coming..only the police officer that was hiding and everyone else does it, so why am I the one who got the ticket? I think we should enforce a Behind The Wheel training course for all people coming into this country, not just the written, before they get their drivers license. Speaking of the written, why is it in sooo many different languages??? Aren't we in the U.S where all signs are posted in English? (Well, I guess not anymore, in some cities I get lost..lol)

So, now I've finally made it to the freeway! Trying to get on the freeway is an adventure in itself, people just don't know how to merge. And who says you have to wait in line like everyone else to merge onto the next freeway, that's what the shoulder is for to take cuts. UGH! Why do people pull right out in front of you when they see you're coming up on them really fast and then go 5 miles an hour almost causing an accident? Do they think they're the only one's on the road? What about the people who do 50 miles an hour in the fast lane and a zillion people are zooming by them in the next lane..what are they thinking..even the speed limit in most places is 65. Why do people pull right out in front of trucks and then put their brakes on? Do they think the the truck can just automatically stop and not turn them into minced meat? And while I'm on the subject of trucks..what makes the truck drivers think I actually like the fowl language that comes out of their mouth, trying to pick me up while driving in traffic. Really men, learn the love language, okay? Not that I'm someone special, but come on.

What about the carpool lane. They make those double yellow lines for a reason gang! And I don't think children should get their license until they're at least 21. The amount of stupid kids on the freeway, especially at night is amazing...racing their little cars and trying to tempt me to race them...come on..against my car? And why do people leave their blinker on for miles and you're kind enough to let them in, holding up traffic so the person behind you honks...turn it off for goodness sake if you don't want to merge. Or better yet...I hate when "I" put my directional on miles before I have to get off the freeway and no one lets me in causing me to miss my exit??? WHY? Or what about when someone has their right hand turn signal on and they turn left...really? And why do people tailgate in traffic, we're not havin' a party!?! I mean can't you see we are not going anywhere. This guy honked at me last week because I didn't jump on the fact that the traffic had moved one car length..Guess he was in hurry to wait! And speaking of traffic, why do the drivers on my side stop to see an accident on the other side of the freeway, you can't fix it!

And last but not least! TEXTING, PUTTING ON MAKEUP, ( something I never do...lol) SHAVING, WATCHING MOVIES, etc., and the lookie loos who are driving by you trying to figure out what movie you are watching...why does it matter?

Some people just shouldn't get their license.

Lynnette's View